our convictions

All companies - SMEs, ETIs and GEs - are faced with one crisis after another, and transformations they can't escape.

They are looking for agility and skills, but are finding it difficult to recruit and/or integrate talent.

At the same time, managers aspire to greater freedom in their relations with the company, and some of the skills of older employees are little used.

For us, the interim management solution quickly became the obvious choice, because it meets both the needs of companies and the wishes of managers, as well as the inclusion of senior staff.

In this fast-growing market, we wanted to combine our diverse experience to meet its challenges.

Integrating an interim manager, a new person into a team, requires giving him or her all the "assets" to enable him or her to find his or her "place", and toaccept breaking existing balances in order to create a new one.

The first platform 100% digital platform

We didn’t set out to create just another firm, but to create the first 100% digital platform to put companies and interim managers in touch with each other. that combines experience, the present and the future, streamline the lives and projects of companies and managers, and democratize interim management.

For managers, our ambition is

For companies, our ambition is

With this mission and these ambitions, we know that we can put forward our values of transparency, efficiency, accessibility, inclusion, ethics and credibility.

The founders

Gerard Arnaud

As the driving force behind the company’s projects, I have always strived in my various roles to be the driving force behind change, to involve my colleagues and peers, to enable them to constantly increase their employability and prove that high standards and performance can be compatible with everyone’s personal development.

Bruno Blaser

My experience and professional skills have been built up throughout my career with and for independent entrepreneurs, franchises and cooperatives, some of which are owned by investment funds.

Patrice Hournon

Seasoned professional in purchasing, supply and supply chain functions, with extensive expertise in the specialized retail sector. I’ve worked in various sectors such as fashion, decoration, photography, services, personal goods, etc., in France and abroad.

We’re here for you.

Need more information or interested?

Visit benefits of manag-in

A access to the entire market

Direct access to assignments without intermediaries or borders

Offers that match to your profile

Receive offers directly from companies that match your experience, technical skills and soft skills.

A development your business

Give new impetus to your development with manag-in's network of companies.

A access to the entire market

Direct access to assignments without intermediaries or borders

Offers that match to your profile

Receive offers directly from companies that match your experience, technical skills and soft skills.

A development your business

Give new impetus to your development with manag-in's network of companies.

Gerard Arnaud

Après donc plus de 30 ans d’expérience de management en tant que dirigeant d’entreprises françaises et internationales dans des industries variées (Automobile, Banque, Distribution) et dans des contextes de transformation d’organisations/marchés permanents, j’accompagne depuis 7 ans les managers et dirigeants dans l’aspect le plus complexe de la relation humaine professionnelle : le management.
Pour les accompagner au mieux, pour permettre à chacun d’être à sa juste place, je m’appuie sur mon expérience, ma formation de coach, la plateforme GRI (analyse comportementale des individus et des équipes), et ma personnalité faite d’authenticité, de transparence, de franchise, d’accent, d’écoute, de convictions, de doutes, de rêves issus de mes expériences de vie.
Titulaire d’un diplôme d’Ingénieur (INSA Lyon), d’un MBA à l’école de commerce de Reims(Néoma), d’une Certification de Coach (Centre international du Coaching)

Bruno Blaser

Mes décisions stratégiques et opérationnelles m’ont amené à transformer, développer et redresser les groupements d’indépendants pour lesquelles j’ai exercé des missions et mandats de direction de l’offre, de réseau, de marketing puis président du directoire d’un groupe coté au second marché.
J’ai pu mener donc mes équipes au succès en m’appuyant sur mes compétences de leader, de visionnaire stratégique, et mon sens de l’organisation.
Diplôme Marketing et Distribution à l’ISEMA (institut supérieur d’enseignement au mangement agroalimentaire) , Coach Exécutive ( Cergy Paris Université)

Patrice Hournon

Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai collaboré avec de grands groupes tels que Renault, Kodak et Habitat, ainsi qu’avec des entreprises de taille moyenne et des plus petites entreprises.
J’ai accumulé plus de 20 ans d’expérience en tant que dirigeant dans les domaines des achats, de l’approvisionnement et de la supply chain, à la fois en tant que salarié puis en tant qu’indépendant depuis 2011. Consultant et manager de transition, j’ai réalisé plus de 14 missions, dont certaines auprès d’entreprises renommées telles que, Monceau Fleurs, Lagardère Travail Retail, Go Sport-Courir, ainsi que dans le développement retail de la marque créateur “émile et ida” spécialisée dans la mode enfantine et féminine.

Fort de mon engagement constant et ma créativité dans la recherche de projets. J’apprécie particulièrement les relations professionnelles, que ce soit dans le cadre du management d’équipes, des négociations, de la création ou de la construction de projets. Fidèle, ouvert et à l’écoute j’aime le monde des affaires.
Titulaire d’un master en marketing des achats de l’université Paris XI, cela renforce mon expertise et ma crédibilité dans mon domaine d’activité. Acteur dynamique et motivé, je suis toujours prêt à relever de nouveaux défis professionnels.

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Gerard Arnaud

After more than 30 years of management experience as a leader of French and international companies in a variety of industries (Automotive, Banking, Retail) and in contexts of constant organization/market transformation, I have been coaching managers and leaders for the past 7 years in the most complex aspect of human professional relations: management.
To support them in the best possible way, to enable everyone to be in their rightful place, I draw on my experience, my coaching training, the GRI platform (behavioral analysis of individuals and teams), and my personality made up of authenticity, transparency, openness, accent, listening, convictions, doubts and dreams drawn from my life experiences.
Engineering degree (INSA Lyon), MBA from Reims business school (Néoma), Coach certification (International Coaching Centre)

Bruno Blaser

My strategic and operational decisions have led me to transform, develop and turn around independent groups, for which I have carried out missions and mandates in supply management, network management, marketing and then Chairman of the Management Board of a group listed on the secondary market.
I was therefore able to lead my teams to success, drawing on my skills as a leader, a strategic visionary and my organizational skills.
Marketing and Distribution Diploma from ISEMA (Institut Supérieur d’Enseignement au Mangement Agroalimentaire) , Executive Coach (Cergy Paris Université)

Patrice Hournon

Over the course of my career, I’ve worked with major groups such as Renault, Kodak and Habitat, as well as medium-sized and smaller companies.
I’ve accumulated over 20 years of executive experience in purchasing, procurement and the supply chain, both as an employee and as a freelancer since 2011. As a consultant and interim manager, I have carried out over 14 assignments, some of which were with well-known companies such as, Monceau Fleurs, Lagardère Travail Retail, Go Sport-Courir, as well as in the retail development of the designer brand “émile et ida” specializing in children’s and women’s fashion.

Thanks to my constant commitment and creativity in project research. I particularly enjoy professional relationships, whether in the context of team management, negotiations, project creation or construction. Loyal, open-minded and a good listener, I love the business world.
I have a Master’s degree in Purchasing Marketing from the University of Paris XI, which reinforces my expertise and credibility in my field. A dynamic and motivated actor, I’m always ready to take on new professional challenges.

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