At the heart of the Digital Revolution in Interim Management

Companies need interim management more than ever

The professional world is constantly evolving. Faced with constant crises and the need to transform, companies – whether SMEs, ETIs or GEs – are looking for flexible solutions. The need for agility and specialized skills is at the heart of their concerns, but finding the perfect talent and integrating it effectively remains a challenge.

At the same time, the job market is changing: managers aspire to greater freedom in their relations with the company, working patterns are evolving under the impetus of the new generations and digital transformation, and certain skills of older employees are under-utilized.

Interim management is the perfect response to these challenges. It aligns itself harmoniously with the changing needs of companies, while meeting the aspirations of experienced managers.

A fast-growing and changing interim management market

Faced with the digital transformation of society and a fast-growing market, interim management firms have seen the emergence of new players and digital platforms, transforming the interim management market.
In this context, we wanted to combine our experience and our vision of interim management to respond to these challenges and transformations, but also and above all to provide the best possible solution for companies and interim managers.

We didn’t set out to create yet another firm or platform, but rather the first 100% digital platform to put companies and interim managers in touch with each other.
a form of synthesis of the 2 current faces of the transition management market with major ambitions :

– Combining experience, present and future,
– Streamline life and projects for companies and managers,
– To truly democratize interim management and make it accessible to as many people as possible (companies and managers alike). : Digitalization at the Service of Interim Management

Manag-in is not simply an addition to the existing interim management landscape, nor is it simply a platform for consulting and selecting profiles.

Manag-in is not simply an addition to the existing interim management landscape, nor is it simply a platform for consulting and selecting profiles. It’s a major innovation thanks to its Matching process, operating mode and business model.

As the first 100% digital platform, Manag-in is positioned as a direct and efficient link between companies and interim managers, ideally responding to the challenges facing companies and the market in the midst of a revolution. for interim managers

With Manag-in, managers are guaranteed optimum visibility, increasing their chances of landing varied and rewarding assignments.

And access to a simple, ergonomic platform enabling them to manage their profiles, requests and assignments.
It’s also access to a community and additional services for businesses

For companies, our commitment is to provide access to a broad base of certified managers, available at any time.

Our matching tool, based in particular on the GRI behavioral approach, guarantees a selection of three perfectly matched profiles, combining technical skills and interpersonal qualities (hard and soft skills).

All at a very competitive cost. Our ambition is to offer you the best price on the market.

A New Era with Manag-in

Far from being a last resort, interim management is a modern form of collaboration in tune with today’s business needs. fits perfectly into this dynamic, offering a platform that’s adapted, intuitive and resolutely forward-looking. is part of this dynamic, offering an adapted, intuitive and resolutely forward-looking platform. It is the fruit of a clear vision: to support the growth and transformation of companies and their managers, while democratizing interim management.

With Manag-in, we are committed to efficiency, credibility and, above all, accessibility.

Gérard Arnaud , Patrice Hournon , Bruno Blaser

Co-founders of Manag-in

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