The world of work is constantly evolving and with it traditional patterns related to employment but also to career management. Among the emerging trends is the familiarity with the concept of interim managers that more and more companies are using. The other side of the coin: these are the preconceptions that this new type of position drains, which some do not hesitate to describe a little too quickly as a “siding for seniors”. The precariousness inherent in this type of employment, often based on short-term assignments, is conducive to reinforcing this idea. Does this mean that transition management is intended to retrain professionals at the end of their careers?

A changing labour market
To cope with globalization and increasingly rapid technological advances, companies have no choice but to adapt. In this changing context, interim managers are a valuable resource for negotiating periods of change that are sometimes as sudden as they are radical, which require the implementation of numerous adjustments but which also sometimes cause crises. Equipped with solid and proven experience and expertise, seniors have the necessary perspective to apprehend these decisive moments and this shell sufficiently armored to be able, in a one-off position, to play the leading role behind which everyone rallies. It should be noted that the role of interim manager is getting younger every year. It just goes to show that value doesn’t wait for the number of years.
An opportunity to make the most of your experience
Working as an interim manager offers seniors a real chance: that of staying active in the job market where they are recognized at their true value by calling on their knowledge to take on new challenges. Experienced, they are able to bring a strategic vision and a fine-grained and quick understanding of business that opens up prospects for companies that sometimes wander in a thick fog. It’s an enriching collaboration on both sides.
Senior? So what?
Seniors have a lot to offer! Make no mistake about age stereotypes. Their ability to meet challenges deserves recognition. This is why it is essential to value their experience and to recognize the sometimes essential contribution that these professionals can make in key moments when we are feverishly waiting for the man (or woman) who comes at the right time… Which they are in most cases where they are called upon in the context of interim management! Today, many companies are fundamentally rethinking their view of seniors to integrate these experts into leading roles, recognizing their value within their organization. We are thus seeing the flourishing of intergenerational mentoring programs, inclusive recruitment policies open to all talents, without preconceptions, which has the merit of creating a more equitable and stimulating professional environment.
Tomorrow is off to a good start
Rather than talking about a siding, it would be wise to talk about a motorway for the future, as it is relevant to recognise the richness of the experience “made in seniors”. There are so many ways to integrate professionals into pivotal functions in the company, as demonstrated by the solicitation of profiles experienced in interim management.
What if integrating this type of high value-added profile in a more spontaneous, even systematic way, was the future of the company?
Gérard Arnaud , Patrice Hournon , Bruno Blaser
Co-founders of Manag-in